What Is the Cost to Develop App in Egypt?

 Egypt has always been the most preferred country to outsource software development services. Whether it’s web development or mobile app, Egypt has the best required expertise and innovation to deliver foolproof and robust performing digital products. Getting an app developed in Egypt comes with multiple benefits that you can rejoice by hiring an expert & experienced Android app development company from there. Generally, the per hour development rates vary from country-to-country and Egypt has $ 25 to 45 which is half than the countries like US, UK, Australia, and Japan. So, whether you are a startup or an established business organization, the cost to develop an app in Egypt will certainly prove to be the best investment that you can make on your upcoming app development project. 

Factors Affecting App Development Cost

There are certain factors that primarily affect the development cost of any kind of app. We need to evaluate these factors well before approaching any iOS app development company. This will help you get a precise estimate for an app development project.

App’s Features & Functionalities

Each feature that you will ask your service provider to incorporate in your app will take much time, effort, and money. Hence, you need to decide your app’s features and functionalities based on the market trends, competitors, and the type of users that you are going to target. Neither it should be an app with overloaded features nor miss some must-have and exciting features that will add to users’ joy. Always remember, features are the backbone of any app and a deciding factor for is future success. Hence, whatever, features and functionalities you choose for your app, choose the very astutely.

Type & Size of the App

Depending on your business requirements, you can choose to develop a native app, hybrid app, or a web-based app. All these types of app will have different set of complexities involved in it with different tech stacks required to develop them. Native app development will require hiring two different teams, one for Android and one for iOS platform whereas, hybrid and web-based apps are developed with a single codebase and are much swifter and affordable to develop. Native apps are considered best in terms of performance and scalability but most startups prefer launching cross-platform apps only as these are much quicker to develop and the cost of development is also much lower than native apps.

App Design

To remain competitive among millions of mobile apps that already exist on app stores, businesses often demand unique and stunning UI/UX designs that can help them to gain instant attention. App development agencies in Egypt are known for their creative ap designs that will certainly give your app distinctness in terms of visual appearance and overall look. This again, will directly impact the development cost of your Android app development. Try to get attractive yet relevant app designs that best reflect your products and services rather than just being overemphasizing on colors and patterns.

Use of Advanced technology

You may want a highly interactive and customized app that may require use of some advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, AR/VR, and Wearables. Using such technologies will certainly increase the Cost to Develop  App in Egypt. However, the ROIs will definitely amaze you when you use such technologies in your app development project. These apps will be highly sophisticated and will require much expertise and clarity while deploying them. Make sure that your app really needs implementing such technologies that will be also beneficial for your target audience.

End Note

Considering all the above factors and taking $ 50 as per hour development rate, we have categorized some common apps according to their costs.

Basic App Development: USD 15000 to USD 25000

Data-driven App Development: USD 28000 to USD 35000

Feature-packed Customized App Development: USD 45000 to USD 52000.


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